February 4, 2019
In Asia, more than 60% of the population does not have secure water supply piped to their houses. Even though there has been progress in terms of providing drinking water in Asia, when you look at the number of households that have piped water, the gures are dismal. In Bangladesh, for example, which is one of the most populous countries in Asia, only 6 percent of the population has access to piped water Asian Water Development Outlook 2013, the majority of the population living in Asia does not have access to a secure household water supply. As the indicates, people in Bangladesh followed by Cambodia, Nepal, Indonesia, Laos, India and Pakistan have to piped water sources. Philippines, Thailand and China have made progress in providing people access to piped water. South Korea, Malaysia and Japan are leading in providing piped water to its population. In Singapore, every household has access to tap water.